Date |
Activities |
Status |
01/11/2024 (10 AM) to
05/11/2024 (11.55 PM)
Online Registration / Application by Candidates along with Online Payment of Counseling Fees |
Already Over |
03/11/2024 to
(Reporting Time -
10 AM to 1 PM)
Verification of Original Documents @ Kalam Auditorium, VIMSAR, Burla |
Already Over |
09/11/2024 |
Publication of provisional verification status of candidates inviting grievances |
Already Over |
10/11/2024 (Till 12.00 Noon) |
Submission of grievances by candidates (from registered email id only) online through email : [email protected] with relevant evidences. (Mention your verification date and serial no) |
Already Over |
10/11/2024 (08.00 PM) |
Publication of provisional verification status of candidates after grievance redressal |
Already Over |
10/11/2024 (08.00 PM) |
Submision of state list of verified candidates to NBEMS for incentive addition |
Already Over |
17/11/2024 |
Publication of State Merit list |
Already Over |
17/11/2024 |
Publication of Provisional Seat Matrix (Inviting grievances if any) |
Already Over |
17/11/2024 (by 5 p.m) |
Submission of Grievance on Seat Matrix (Via email- [email protected]) |
Already Over |
18/11/2024 |
Publication of Final Seat Matrix (After grievance redressal) |
Already Over |
21/11/2024 (10 a.m) -to- 24/11/2024 (11.59 p.m) |
Choice Filling and Locking |
Already Over |
26/11/2024 |
Publication of Round-1 Allotment Result (After Processing) |
Already Over |
27/11/2024 -to- 29/11/2024 (11.00 a.m. -to-3.00 p.m) |
Downloading of Allotment Letter from Counseling Portal & Reporting at Convenor for Admission (as per instruction given in Notification published under Notification Section) |
Already Over |
01/12/2024 |
Round-1 Upgradation Allotment Result (Against Non-reported Vacancies) |
Already Over |
02/12/2024 -to-03/12/2024 (11.00 a.m. -to-3.00 p.m) |
Downloading of Allotment Letter from Counseling Portal & Reporting at Convenor for Admission (as per instruction given in Notification published under Notification Section) |
Already Over |
05/12/2024 |
Sharing of Joined Candidate data to MCC |
Already Over |
13/12/2024 -to-14/12/2024 (11.00 a.m. -to-3.00 p.m) |
Resignation window for Round-1 as per instruction mentioned in Notification No-42 |
Already Over |
15/12/2024 |
Publication of Seat Matrix (Including Round-1 vacancy + Newly approved Seats + Resignation resulted vacancies) |
Already Over |
16/12/2024 (09.00 a.m) -to- 17/12/2024 (05.00 p.m) |
Fresh Choice Filling and Locking |
Already Over |
18/12/2024 |
Publication of Round-2 Allotment Result (After Processing) |
Already Over |
23/12/2024 -to-24/12/2024 (11.00 a.m. -to-3.00 p.m) |
Downloading of Allotment Letter from Counseling Portal & Reporting at Convenor for Admission (as per instruction given in Notification No-42 published under Notification Section) |
Already Over |
Activities for Fresh Registration and Doc Verification for Round-3 (After qualifying percentile reduction) |
19/01/2025 (10 AM) to
22/01/2025 (11.59 PM) |
Online Registration / Application by Candidates along with Online Payment of Counseling Fees |
Already Over |
23/01/2025 (10 AM-to-1 PM) |
Verification of Original Documents @ Kalam Auditorium, VIMSAR, Burla |
Already Over |
24/01/2025 |
Publication of provisional verification status inviting grievances |
Already Over |
24/01/2025 (till 12 Noon) |
Submission of online grievances by candidates (from registered email id only) to email : [email protected] with relevant evidences. |
Already Over |
25/01/2025 |
Submision of state list of verified candidates to NBEMS for incentive addition and preparation of State specific Merit List which will supersede previous State Merit List |
Already Over |
27/01/2025 -to- 28/01/2025
(11 A.M to 3 P.M each day)
Revised Resignation window after Round-2 as per instruction mentioned in Notification No-56 and 59 |
Already Over |
Revised Activities for Round-3 |
12/02/2025 -to- 13/02/2025 |
Round-3 Physical Counseling |
Already Over |
12/02/2025 |
Round-3 Physical Counseling (In-Service Reserved Category followed by Ins General Cat followed by Direct-Reserved Category) As per notification No-69 dated. 09/02/2025 |
Already Over |
13/02/2025 |
Round-3 Physical Counseling (Direct- General Cat followed by PMN-Diploma) |
Already Over |
14/02/2025 -to- 15/02/2025 |
Physical Reporting at Colleges concerned of all rounds |
Already Over |
15/02/2025 |
Sharing of data of reported Candidates by Colleges to Convener |
Already Over |
16/02/2025 |
Sharing of admission data up to Round-3 to MCC |
Already Over |
Activities for Round-4 (Stray Round) |
19/02/2025 |
Publication of Seat Matrix for Round-4 |
Already Over |
20/02/2025 |
Publication of State Specific Revised Merit List for Round-4 (NBEMS Provided) |
Already Over |
24/02/2025 |
State Round-4 Physical Counseling (As per Notification No-78/PGMCC/ Dated-19/02/2025 |
Already Over |
25/02/2025 -to- 27/02/2025 |
Physical Reporting at Colleges concerned by all Candidates admitted in State Round-4 |
Already Over |
27/02/2025 |
Sharing of data of reported Candidates data by Colleges to Convener |
Already Over |
28/02/2025 |
Sharing of admission data of Round-4 to MCC |
Already Over |
Activities for Round-5 (Special Stray Round)  |
08/03/2025 (10 AM) to
09/03/2025 (5 PM) |
Fresh Online Registration / Application by Candidates along with Online Payment of Counseling Fees |
10/03/2025 (11 AM-to-12 Noon) |
Verification of Original Documents @ Old LT-1, Near Central Library, VIMSAR, Burla |
11/03/2025 |
Publication of provisional verification status inviting grievances |
12/03/2025 (Till 1 PM) |
Submission of online grievances by candidates (from registered email id only) to email : [email protected] with relevant evidences. |
12/03/2025 |
Submision of state list of verified candidates to NBEMS for incentive addition and preparation of State specific Merit List which will supersede previous State Merit List (See Notification No-88) |
17/03/2025 |
Publication of Seat Matrix and NBEMS Provided State Specific Revised Merit List forSpecial Stray Round |
18/03/2025 |
State Special Stray Vacancy Round Physical Counseling As per notification No-88 dated. 07/03/2025 |
19/03/2025- to- 20/03/2025 |
Physical Reporting at Colleges concerned by all Candidates admitted in State Special Stray Round |
20/03/2025 |
Sharing of data of reported Candidates data by Colleges to Convener |
20/03/2025 |
Sharing of admission data of Special Stray Round to MCC |